Monday, February 6, 2012

Rub a Dub Dub, Two Kids in a Tub

When you adopt internationally, you have to worry about parasites. Sometimes the kids have them and you definitely need to get rid of them before you cross-infect the rest of the family.

While we waited for Sam’s lab results to come back, Molly and Sam were not allowed to take a bath together.Once we got the all clear from the doctors, the two kids hopped into the tub together.

Not a lot to say about the experience. The got in, had fun, got out. But it did make for a pretty good photo-op. Enjoy!







I put this one in just so you could see my boy’s belly. All of that eating sure has paid off!IMG_8339

There’s just something about kids in the tub that makes you want to grab your camera.

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