I know that I have slacked off before, but never this bad. Is there anyone out there still reading this blog? Hello? Anyone?
This time I have a really good excuse. Seriously. Actually I have two of them. But I’m not going to tell you now. You are going to just have to take my word for it. I’ll blog about it later. Promise. It won’t take me I month until I post about it. Hopefully.
Sit back and get comfy, because here is the month of May (and a few days in June) in thirty-six glorious pictures.
This picture is so old that I am not even sure why I took it or why Molly was coloring outside. Pretty appropriate way to kick off the picture extravaganza, no?
Moving on, here’s Molly nibbling the ears off of her chocolate bunny. My guess is that I took this picture shortly after Easter. Just saying.
Random picture of Molly putting a puzzle together. Probably took this near the beginning of May. Not sure of the significance, but she looks awfully cute (and grown up) doesn’t she?
Got a date for this one and I even know why it is important. May 5, 2011 Molly went to the dentist for the second time. I took pictures for the historic second visit because I didn’t take any 6 months ago on her first visit.
May 6, 2011 Mother’s Tea at Preschool
The kids preformed a touching song. I did videotape it but I don’t have time to download it to youtube and link it in. You’ll just have to trust me…it was cute. And touching.
As the name implies, we went to the cafeteria for tea, and cookies (and fruit and cheese and crackers, but who wants those things when there are cookies).
I also got this lovely pansy in a pot decorated especially for me by my sweet little girl.
And here’s the obligatory group picture.
Moving on to May 9th…Molly and I bumped into Jackson and his father and two brothers at the park. Molly and Jackson had a great time playing together. Take a look:
May 14th Playgroup Slumber Party
It wasn’t actually a slumber party, but the girls did get together bright and early, donned in their PJs. They ate a delicious breakfast……
…hung out with their best buds…
…played in Avery’s rockin’ playroom…
…decorated pillowcases, played Twister (sorry, no pics of those things) and took the obligatory group shot, which I just love.
Oh, and us moms had an okay time, too! Love ya, gals!My friend Christine and I hosted this event, but I really must give Christine the props. Not only have I been slacking on the blog, but in life, as well. Not slacking in all areas of my life, mind you, but this month took some prioritizing. Thank goodness that awesome friends like Christine have been there to help pick up the slack. For this play date I made a Costco run. Christine did pretty much everything else. You rock, my dear sweet friend.
May 21, 2011 Families With Children From China End of Year Performance
Molly took 3 Chinese Classes this year through FCC. Each class preformed, so she was on stage three separate time (plus one bonus appearance!)
Practice before the performance. Molly and Mia are on the floor in front.
Molly’s Chinese Language ClassShe’s got the bow part down pat!
Molly was asked to present flowers to one of the teachers at the end of the show.She looked so cute here that I couldn’t resist sneaking this picture onto the blogGiving Miss Lily flowers.
Azaleas Through the Years…
Every year I take a picture of Molly in front of the Azaleas. This year they were late bloomers. I guess it was the fact that the during the month of May it rained every.single.day. and never got out of the 60s (grrrr!).
Oh well, here we go down memory lane:
3 years old (Ummm, a bit late on the azalea pic that year…no blooms.)
And finally…this year at 5 years old!
May 25, 2011 Preschool Graduation
Can you believe it? Molly is officially finished with preschool. I refuse to call her a kindergartener until she actually sets foot in class on the first day. Denial is not just a river in Egypt.
Yet another obligatory group shot
Love, love, love the director, Mrs. Riley!
And that takes us to today, June 2, 2011!
Things have slowed down ever so slightly in my life. Molly, Mia and I actually had time to go to the park.And I got time to finish this blog. Whew!
Now here is just a little hint about one of my reasons for slacking off over the past month. Any guesses?
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