Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Party Girls

Look who’s turning 6…IMG_3639Molly’s friend, Chloe!

It doesn’t seem possible that my child has friends who are six. I am still trying to accept that Molly will be turning 5 soon. But somehow the kids keep growing and their parties become more and more fun. Take a look:

Of course there was the traditional (cup)cake…IMG_3646

and ice cream. It wouldn’t be a party without a good old fashion sugar buzz, would it.IMG_3643

And then there were the gifts. I just love the gift opening creep up. The kids all start out on the floor, politely sitting with hands folded in their laps. With each consecutive gift, the well behaved little cherubs creep closer and closer to the guest of honor. After about the fourth or fifth gift, they are pushing and shoving to get a better loot at the birthday loot. Happens at every.single.party. No way to stop the creep up!IMG_3647

If this wasn’t enough excitement, there were also good friends like Miss Avery, here.IMG_3648

And inflatable dinosaurs to play with. What’s better than wrestling with one of your best buddies under a ginormous T-Rex. Does life get any better? I mean really, does it? IMG_3649

Molly even made it to the top of the tree house. IMG_3650

First, she had to tackle to challenging rope ladder, then shimmy through an opening that was 10 feet off the ground.IMG_3656

But the real challenge was standing still long enough for mom to get a picture once she got to the top.IMG_3658

Mia’s turn!IMG_3659

Yep, I need a picture of both of you together before you can go play. I’m a mom, that’s my job.IMG_3660

Chloe’s birthday party was a huge success. In fact you might even say it was…IMG_3661

DINO-Mite!IMG_3662Okay, that was bad, but you had to see it coming.

1 comment:

Lainey-Paney said...

Looks like a pretty awesome party!