Every once in a while you run across something that is unexpectedly fun. Ya know, something that you usually wouldn’t do because it doesn’t sound like your kind of thing.
My friend Tressa texted the other day and asked if Molly and I would like to join her and Mattie at a farm outside of town. I’d never heard of the place, had no clue where it was, but more to the point, it didn’t sound like my kind of thing.
Nothing personal, but farms are typically dusty, smelly and full of, well, farm animals who are also dusty and smelly.
But I knew Molly would love it, and I knew that I would enjoy seeing her love it, and I knew that would love spending the day with my good friend and her adorable daughter, so I willingly agreed. Besides there were pony rides.
Surprisingly, I really dug the farm! It was cool. That’s saying a lot for this city gal.
The animals were dusty and smelly, as expected, but they were also exceptionally friendly. The whole place was interactive. It wasn’t a farm where you go and look and watch, but rather a place where you pet, hold, feed and ride. Nothing was off limits. You could climb in the hayloft, sit on the tractors, take bunnies out of cages, whatever. There were no signs that told you no or don’t. The signs told you yes and how to. Pretty. darn. cool.
Yes, the best part was seeing Molly have a ball, and spending time with my good friend and her adorable daughter, but I dug the farm. Me. The city girl.
So here it is…the farm:
Mattie gave Molly this oh-so-cute! shirt from her recent trip to Disney. Yes, the to girls turned a lot of heads down on the farm. Miso Cuties? Totally!Yeah, yeah.Miso is technically Japanese, but it is thought to have originated in China (didn’t just about everything?). And c’mon, it doesn’t get much more cute than this.
My thoughts exactly, Enough said.
Super friendly animals! My scared-to-try-anything-new daughter was even game for feeding these guys.
Lots of other fun things to do at this farm like swing…
and hang out second story windows….
And remember when I said there were pony rides?
Molly riding Belle (Yes, just like the princess, as I was reminded sooo often).
I know what you are asking yourself, Mom: “Why does Mattie have on a helmet and Molly doesn’t!” They didn’t offer me the option. Really. They just stuck her on a pony and sent her off into the (very dusty and kind of smelly) arena. I’m not sure why they gave Mattie one. Maybe a helmet wouldn’t have fit over Molly’s perfectly coiffed buns!
Stopping to take a cuteness break.
This place even had tame deer. You could hand feed them. Heck, they were begging you to do so!
This is one of my favorite pictures because you can see Tressa’s camera in the upper right corner. The Mamarazzi were out in force!
And one more random act of cuteness. This is my blog and I reserve the right to post as many deliciously precious pictures of my child and her equally precious friends as I so desire.
And while I am shamelessly bragging….
I told Molly that we needed to write Mattie a thank you note for the gifts she brought back from Disney. Usually I dictate what she says and then I have her sign her name.
Not this time. This time she told me she would write it. This is what SHE did:
While I washed the breakfast dishes and cleaned the kitchen, Molly asked me how to spell each word. From time to time I would tell her to leave a bigger space or put in a period, but she did this.
She’s four and this is what she did.
Up until this point Molly would write lines of letters all smushed together, in no particular order, spelling absolutely nothing unless by accident, and then BAM! Sentences. With neatly formed letters of uniform size with even spaces.
It’s probably because I am he mom and am proud of (amost) everything she does (except maybe the tantrums), but Good Golly Miss Molly, you never cease to amaze me!
Look who else was pretty proud:
Beaming with joy (while wearing her princess nightgown, of course)!
Ok you've posted all this summer fun and you've failed to post even ONE picture of the pool you've been spending every waking moment in :) Now that I'm back, I expect PHOTOS! ha!
PS. Love all the posts - enjoyed catching up on everything :)
I love the new bigger pictures! (yes, your photographer sister is all about the pictures) She is so cute! I miss my summers with my kids when they are that age. And I miss you and Molly!
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